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Quick Tips: Posture

If you’re anything like me, you sometimes get engrossed by your task at hand, and while you intended to do some quick edits, you probably found yourself hours later hunched over deep in your photo editing. And while bad posture might mean you’ve been hard at work for a few hours, it also is very bad for your overall health, and I definitely don’t want that! So here are some quick tips and tricks for helping your posture problems to help fix/prevent further pain and problems.

NOTE: I’m by no means a professional on the matter, and if you have serious health issues you should consult a doctor.

Assess Your Posture


Many people have posture issues without even realizing exactly what their particular problem is. If you don’t know the problem how can you attempt to fix it or alleviate the issue? Follow this link to see in depth photos explaining different posture issues.

Take a Walk


Simply taking a five minute break every 30-45 minutes to walk around will help prevent you from slouching too long. Studies have shown that getting up and moving decreases the pressure on your neck and back.


A lot of poor posture and pain stem from muscle imbalances and certain muscle stabilizers becoming too weak. However, there are stretches and movements you can do to counteract this problem, as evidenced by this video:

I chose this video specifically because hunchback and forward head are the most common issues with people who sit at desks for long periods of time. So while the movements look a little funny or crazy, what’s worse? Looking a little silly for 10 minutes a day or being in pain all the time?

Of course we love that you guys use iPiccy to photo edit, but we also want you to take care of yourselves, so take breaks as necessary and use these tips as necessary!