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iPiccy Artist Highlight: Stephen Lodge

We love to see iPiccy being put to work. Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned professional, or just someone who stumbled upon the page, we’d love to see what you do with iPiccy!

Today we’re featuring an iPiccy user by the name of Stephen Lodge. He responded to our call with multiple examples of his work, and we’re very excited to share them with you. Before we get to the photos, let’s get to know our artist a little bit first.

Stephen described his style as very instinctive and loose. He uses iPiccy to edit and tweek the photos so the world can see how he saw that particular moment in time. Stephen originally started photography as a fun hobby, something to just get him out of the house, but now it has become something more to him. It has become a medium to show how he sees the world, and he’s definitely seen some beautiful sights.

Stephen Lodge_CombeMartin_England

“Nature’s Art”


“River Flows”

StephenLodge_Little Ilfracombe

“Little Ilfracombe”

StephenLodge_Sea Breeze

“Sea Breeze”









Thanks for sharing your vision with us Stephen! Anyone can check out more of his work here.

Please comment and discuss Stephen’s work! Did it inspire you to try something new with iPiccy? Did you love the feel and composition? Would you have done something different? Are you now determined to be the next artist highlighted? If so, we’re excited to see your work, it’s time to hit that “Start Editing Now” button!