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iPiccy Artist Highlight: Rachel Danielson

We love to see iPiccy Photo Editor being put to work, so that’s why we made the iPiccy Artist Highlight. Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned professional, or just someone who stumbled upon the page, we’d love to see what you do with iPiccy! Last time we featured Horace Ryan.

Today we’re featuring an iPiccy user by the name of Rachel Danielson. Before we get to the photos, let’s get to know our artist a little bit first.

Rachel uses photo editing to create covers for novels, which is certainly something different from the last couple of users we highlighted. Rachel uses other photo editors as well, but finds that iPiccy gives her great flexibility and maneuverability when it comes to creating text for her covers. She also mentioned that she enjoys the wide variety of texts to fit her many different genres.

So let’s start looking at Ms. Danielson’s work shall we?

My Roommate Demon Hunter Destroy Me Find Me In Wonder Dreams That Masks The Shadows

Rachel is obviously no stranger to using multiple different fonts, but each font clearly has its purpose. The different fonts help convey the themes and thoughts of what each book is supposed to be about. For example, the “My Roommate” in the first cover is a very casual text, but when you get to “The Demon Hunter” it becomes a much more serious and dynamic text. This leads me to believe that the book will have some light and funny moments, as well as some very serious action and thrilling parts.

On top of all of her choices in fonts, her placements are key as they draw attention to the subject on the cover as well as flow directly to her name as an author.

Each cover also has an interesting style and image. Whether it be the simplicity of “Destroy Me”, the whimsical nature of “Find Me In Wonder”, or the darkness of “Dreams That Masks The Shadows”, the titles and images work in tandem to really provoke a viewer to wonder what the book is about. And a strong hook is absolutely necessary for drawing potential readers.

If you want to keep up with Rachel’s work you can follow her on Twitter, her blog, or her website.

Ms. Danielson has certainly made me want to play with the text editor more, how about you? If so, why not start editing your own novel covers!