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Do You Want To Fly?

Part of being a photographer is looking to other photographer’s work to learn techniques and be inspired. It’s not unusual to hit a mental block and take a break to explore the minds and works of others, this is true in any craft. So that brings us to today’s photographer, Trevor DeSaussure, and he’s a fly dude.

Trevor has created an album where he photographs people flying, but there is a catch. DeSaussure doesn’t allow photo editing on these photos outside of basic color fixes, Trevor a student of the craft, and wanted to only use the technical aspects of Photography to capture a single moment in which a person appears to take flight. Let’s take a look at some of his work.


Trevor Desaussure, Mediac Productions

Trevor captures the exact moment that someone would begin taking off for flight, and according to him “the use of awkward poses and flailing arms usually sell the effect.”

As a kid Trevor wanted to draw superheroes in comic books. However, as DeSaussure got older and technology caught up to his imagination, DeSaussure decided he could do better. He could create superheroes out of anyone through his photography, he could make people fly. The idea of creating heroes and gifting them with flight was the inception of this photo series and the entire concept is quite prevalent in this next photo.


Trevor Desaussure, Mediac Productions

Superman as a character has for a long time meant to inspire others. Whether it be to good deeds such as helping others or be the best you can be, it’s all about doing the best you can. Superman has always been a beacon of human achievement of doing good and inspiring others. This photo conveys those thoughts exactly. With the way the model looks to the sky and has his chest out, while dropping his things to seemingly take flight to help someone else.

Not one to shy away from the camera himself. DeSaussure had to test his own ideas and tactics to make sure they were safe for his models.

Trev Flight

Sheen Mercado, Mediac Productions

He only demands out of his models things he would demand out of himself. As you can see that is fantastic work, and we look forward to seeing more.

Trevor Desaussure is a young, energetic, up-and-coming, and creative photographer/videographer working out of the Northern Virginia/DC/Maryland area. He is a producer and founder of the production company, Mediac Productions. Trevor simply describes himself as “just a guy who loves a good story” and the stories he tells are quite good. So I suggest you keep up with him via his website or Facebook.

A “How To Fly” From The Photographer Himself

1.) A model with mad ups (basically anyone with the ability to jump).
2.) A high shutter (I’m usually at 1/6400).
3.) A lot of light (To cancel out the effects of the high shutter speed).