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iPiccy Artist Highlight: Matt McDonnell

We love to see iPiccy Photo Editor being put to work, so that’s why we made the iPiccy Artist Highlight. Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned professional, or just someone who stumbled upon the page, we’d love to see what you do with iPiccy! Last time we featured Rachel Danielson.

Today we’re featuring an iPiccy user by the name of Matt McDonnell. Before we get to the photos, let’s get to know our artist a little bit first.

Matt is a younger user than the other ones we’ve highlighted, and he works with iPiccy to fine tune and change the photos he takes after making them black and white. Matt finds that he uses the brushes most often to go back and darken certain skies and really bring certain contrasts out and create stronger compositions. He originally began looking for a cost efficient way to edit photos, and after a suggestion from a fellow flickr user to use iPiccy, Matt never looked back. And we’re glad he didn’t.

Let’s start checking out Mr. McDonnell’s work!

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The first thing you immediately notice is Matt’s work with black and white effects, and making silhouettes. It makes his subject clear, upfront, and attention-grabbing. When Matt takes a photo it already has great composition, but when he’s working with the blacks and whites in iPiccy, he does a great job of darkening spots to create contrast and also focus sights on his intended subject.

This isn’t to say that he doesn’t have photos in his album that aren’t black and white though. It’s just what he’s best known around his flickr community for. His photos with color are pretty impressive as well.


If you want to follow Matt McDonnell’s work, you can keep up with him on his Flickr. And I suggest you do, following a young artist’s growth and maturity is extremely satisfying.

If you want some tips on when to use a Black and White Photo Effect we have a guide, and if you’ve already read it, I’m sure you’re just itching to start photo editing after seeing Matt’s work!